This year marks what is, legislatively, the strongest pro-life year on record. Nearly 100 state and local pro-life measures have passed, and the abortion industry is feeling the heat.

The pro-abortion movement is currently using its considerable media influence to try and discredit pro-life pregnancy resource centers (PRCs), or what it calls “fake clinics.” There’s even an entire website devoted to the topic.

According to, PRCs are “anti-choice extremists” that have been “attacking abortion access in the U.S. since the procedure became legal nationwide in 1973.” These clinics “do NOT provide comprehensive reproductive health care—or much of any ‘health care’ at all! Instead, they use phony ads to trick pregnant people into making an appointment, promising ‘free ultrasounds’ or ‘pregnancy support.’ Once inside, people are lied to, shamed, and pressured about their reproductive health decisions, often delaying their procedure or pushing them past the deadline for a legal abortion altogether.”

The situation sounds rather dire—however, this is just a clever smear campaign to deflect the public’s attention from the real problem, the subpar standard of medical care available at abortion centers across the country, which are not even remotely held to the same standards as any other medical office.

Sadly, abortion has become so politicized in this country that the abuses, medical malpractice and other oversights that routinely happen in abortion clinics are often overlooked by authorities.

A recent investigative report by Live Action notes some of the concerning health care discoveries that have been found in abortion clinics across the country.

For example, 16 of the 17 abortion businesses in the state of Texas failed health inspections in 2016. One location was even fined $20,000 for its “serious health violations found during a state inspection,” including, “lack of infection control training for six staff members, had 22 instances of sterilization, sanitation and safety issues,” failed to safeguard against “infection in there procedure rooms.”

Despite these incredibly disturbing findings, the location was not shut down and is still operating to this day. If this happened at a hospital or another out-patient facility, it would have been closed, likely temporarily, until the issue had been resolved.

But since it’s an abortion clinic, the business tends to get just a slap on the wrist depending on the state.

Missouri was successful at getting its Columbia abortion clinic to close, after an inspection found numerous health care violations and its abortionist could not get admitting privileges at a local hospital.

Perhaps the most egregious case is that of Kermit Gosnell, the abortionist from Philadelphia. His clinic was so decrepit that there were cats roaming the property and the bodies of the babies he “aborted” in a refrigerator and other locations throughout his so-called clinic. He also had untrained staff members providing IV sedation to patients, oftentimes for extended periods as he would not come in until later in the day. A high school student came up with a color-coded chart explaining the levels that the patients could be given, from local to custom. She was one of his most competent staff members.

Sadly, a woman died as a result of his ineptitude, but it wasn’t her death that brought down his operation.

Gosnell, in addition to his shoddy and illegal abortion operation, was also running a side business dealing narcotics. That’s what got the authorities interested in what was happening at his clinic, not the highly illegal and highly unethical abortion business he was operating. Needless to say, they were disgusted by what they found, and he was eventually prosecuted and sent to prison.

But not before he mutilated women and killed potentially thousands of babies born alive because of his unsuccessful abortion methods.

Abortion businesses are allowed to operate in the shadows because it’s too much of a political football to properly evaluate what happens behind closed doors. That’s why these “fake clinic” campaigns are necessary. The only way that the abortion business can protect itself is to make sure that the public is always looking the other way.

Photo from Shutterstock