Dr. Al Mohler Urges Kentuckians to Vote Yes for Life on November 8

Kentucky has become a battleground state on the question of protecting preborn babies, with Constitutional Amendment #2, the Yes for Life Amendment, on the ballot November 8.

Dr. Al Mohler is urging Kentuckians to vote Yes for Life in a news interview where he explains what’s at stake and why it’s important for Christians to support the amendment.

As president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, in Louisville, Kentucky, he has a vested interest in saving preborn infants in his state.

Mohler spoke with KentuckyToday Editor Lawrence Smith, and said:

This will be the first time, in my adult lifetime, that the citizens of Kentucky would be able to vote on such a measure that would fundamentally protect the unborn. And to do so through the process – the legally established, formal process – of amending the Kentucky Constitution.

Constitutional Amendment 2 states:

To protect human life, nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or require the funding of abortion.

Watch video here: https://www.kentuckytoday.com/albert-mohler-on-voting-yes-for-life-on-amendment-2/video_b4688794-5208-11ed-8d58-67261a9569ea.html

Mohler explains that there is no constitutional right to abortion in the Kentucky Constitution, going on to explain, “But the fact is, there is plenty of evidence how judges and activist justices have actually invented arguments” for abortion.

The Yes for Life Amendment would keep judges from doing so.

Mohler exhorted voters, “You know, this is the time for a pro-life state to show up pro-life in its constitution.”

He also noted that pro-abortion activists were doing everything they could to stop the amendment.

He’s right.

As Ballotpedia reports, radical pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood, the Sixteen Thirty Fund and the ACLU have raised more than $5.3 million to oppose the Yes for Life Amendment.

The Yes for Life campaign has raised just over $1 million to inform voters about what this life-saving amendment does.

Mohler says:

We as Christians have to come back again and again to preaching the message that every single human being, from the moment of fertilization to natural death, is made in God’s image. That means it is our responsibility to contend for the sanctity of every single human life under every condition.

And we should make that a matter of explicit affirmation in the Kentucky Constitution.

Yes for Life – Constitutional Amendment #2 will appear at the very end of every Kentucky ballot.

Our friends at The Family Foundation of Kentucky created a video supporting Yes for Life – Constituional Amendment #2. Reach out to your Pastor or church leader to share this video and equip their congregation to vote yes on Amendment #2!

Related articles and resources:

Al Mohler Briefing: Amendment 2 Brings an Urgent Vote for Life to Kentucky Ballots

‘Every Single Vote Matters’ in the Upcoming Midterm Elections, Dr. Al Mohler Says

Honor God With Your Vote, Vote YES on #2!

Life is on the Ballot this November 8 – With Abortion Groups Spending Millions to Support Legalized Abortion

Yes for Life: Support Kentucky’s Pro-Life Constitutional Amendment

Yes for Life – Kentucky

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