Focus on the Family Hosts SeeLife 2024 — Featuring Pro-Life Champions Benjamin Watson and Danny Gokey

On June 15, 2024, Focus on the Family will host the SeeLife Experience featuring pro-life champions Benjamin Watson and Danny Gokey.

This free, live event will be held at the Focus on the Family campus in Colorado Springs, livestreamed online, and accessible via simulcast at registered churches nationwide.

SeeLife 2024 will include many well-known pro-life advocates, including Focus on the Family President Jim Daly, NFL superstar Benjamin Watson and his wife, Kirsten, three-time Grammy Nominee and American Idol semi-finalist Danny Gokey, and President of Embrace Grace Amy Ford. Gokey will perform a live concert at the event.

The purpose of the SeeLife Experience is to inspire and equip the pro-life community and the Church with practical ways they can get involved in promoting a culture of life.

In this post-Roe world, the next chapter in the story of the pro-life movement is about loving and serving women who find themselves in unexpected pregnancies. Pregnancy help organizations are central to this mission.

In 2022, pregnancy centers provided $358 million in resources to women and families experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Those services included housing, counseling, prenatal medical care, baby supplies, diapers, clothing, formula, parenting classes, adoption support and more.

Focus on the Family has always been unashamedly pro-life. It’s one of our foundational principles.

In fact, Focus on the Family has a very special ministry in partnership with pregnancy help organizations called Option Ultrasound. Option Ultrasound equips qualified pregnancy resource centers around the United States with ultrasound machines to give mothers considering abortion the opportunity to see their child in the womb. Since the program began in 2004, over 500,000 babies have been saved from abortion!

Robyn Chambers, Vice President of Advocacy for Children at Focus on the Family, told the Daily Citizen,

Focus on the Family has been working for twenty years through our Option Ultrasound Program and with our SeeLife events to promote life.  We believe our path forward if we see life the way God sees it is to…take action. We want to share the value of pregnancy centers, and we want churches to join us in standing for life. We are excited to move ahead in this work through SeeLife ‘24!”

The SeeLife Experience began five years ago in Times Square with an inspired campaign called “Alive from New York.”

Focus on the Family went to New York City, set up a mobile 4D ultrasound clinic in Times Square Plaza, held a pro-life rally, and with thousands of on-lookers, had a live 4D ultrasound of Abby Johnson’s baby projected onto the big screen while the sound of her baby’s heartbeat filled Times Square. It was a powerful pro-life moment. You can see a highlight video of the event here.

In 2022, as reported by the Daily Citizen, Ben Shapiro headlined the SeeLife Experience and knocked it out of the park by debunking the eight most egregious abortion myths of our day.

This year’s event is sure to be another fantastic gathering. Prepare to be motivated and activated to make a difference in your community.

If you can attend in person, plan to arrive early and meet pregnancy help organizations in the Colorado Springs area that will be tabling at the event. Doors open at 5:15 p.m. Mountain Time.

Register here to attend SeeLife in person, simulcast the event at your church, or watch it online. This is an event you won’t want to miss!


Image Credit: Focus on the Family

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