The presidential election of 2024 is well underway, leaving many Americans underwhelmed and burdened by the choices facing the country.

We’ve come a long way since the end of 1788 and the beginning of 1789 when 10 states (New York, North Carolina and Rhode Island didn’t participate) chose slates of electors that eventually and unanimously elected George Washington as the nation’s first chief executive.

There was no real debate as to who the best man was – it was more difficult convincing Washington to run than it was convincing the American people he was the best leader to take us forward.

After taking the oath of office on the balcony of Federal Hall in New York City, the former commander of the fledgling Continental Army issued a prescient warning. He noted that we can never expect to enjoy the “propitious smiles of Heaven” if the nation “disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained.”

In short, he was echoing what the apostle Paul proclaimed to the church in Galatia: “A man reaps what he sows” (6:7).

Focus on the Family and the Daily Citizen are non-political and non-partisan. We exist to educate and inform, as well as inspire Christians to participate in their government and put feet to their faith. As the primary process unfolds, what should we be looking for when it comes to executive leadership at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

It’s a critical question, and on many levels. Dr. Al Mohler, president of Southern Seminary and a former Focus on the Family board member, has noted:

“As we follow the storyline of Scripture, we see that God’s people, whenever and wherever they are found, are characterized and often identified by their leadership.”

In other words, our leaders, for good or bad, are something of a reflection of the country.

As Christians who exercise our right to vote, we should be looking for leaders who best reflect our biblical convictions and values.

No nation that endorses or celebrates the slaughtering of innocent children will ever fully thrive. Abortion confounds the very “order and right” Washington advocated. It’s illogical to support the death of the next generation.

Likewise, politicians who support fantastical definitions of male and female upend the “order and right” upon which society is founded. Whether it’s suggesting there are more than two genders or that men can become women and women can become men, these dangerous beliefs threaten to destroy culture itself. Order becomes chaos.

When candidates or politicians try and usurp parent’s rights and replace family authority with that of the hands of Big Brother, the “order and right” necessary for the nation’s health becomes disordered. Moms and dads rank supreme. The government works for them – not the other way around.

Concluding his Inaugural remarks on April 30, 1789, George Washington suggested God’s “divine blessing” was unlikely to happen without “temperate consultations” and “wise measures.” He was right. And that’s why we’re in the fix we’re in today.

Photo from Shutterstock.