International Women’s Day Isn’t About Women Anymore

On Sunday, millions of people around the world celebrated International Women’s Day. While the God-given role that women play in families and society should be celebrated, International Women’s Day is no longer about women.

According to the United Nations (UN), International Women’s Day “is when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political.” This year, the UN tweeted that the day “is a time to challenge gender norms, empower each other, celebrate diversity, break stereotypes, reject the binary, mobilize, and take action.”

That doesn’t sound like a day to celebrate women, but an opportunity to push a progressive and pro-LGBT agenda.

The official UN Women Twitter account tweeted an extended list of “women,” which includes trans, genderqueer and womxn, which is a term considered more inclusive and includes transwomen, nonbinary individuals, and, per The New York Times, “women and those affected by misogyny or women-related issues.” At the end of the UN Women tweet, it concluded by saying, “Today we celebrate every woman who resists the patriarchy, insists on equality and persists for a better future.”

Aaron Philips, a transgender model and disability activist said at a UN event, “Trans women are women at the end of the day. Every woman is a woman. Women are multifaceted, intergenerational, international. They are limitless, formless…women are the world.”

But if anyone can be a woman, then is there anything special about being a woman?

In the feminist movement, it seems like there is this desire to make women like men instead of trying to highlight our natural and God-given differences. This does not elevate women to a space of equality, but actually eliminates our identity as a separate and distinct sex.

John Piper, preacher and founder of the website, wrote on this topic in his book What’s the Difference? Manhood and Womanhood Defined According to the Bible: “The tendency today is to stress the equality of men and women by minimizing the unique significance of our maleness or femaleness. But this depreciation of male and female personhood is a great loss. It is taking a tremendous toll on generations of young men and women who do not know what it means to be a man or a woman. Confusion over the meaning of sexual personhood today is an epidemic. The consequence of this confusion is not a free and happy harmony among gender-free persons relating on the basis of abstract competencies. The consequence rather is more divorce, more homosexuality, more sexual abuse, more promiscuity, more social awkwardness, and more emotional distress and suicide that come with the loss of God-given identity.”

Though these words resonate immensely with our day and age, they were actually written 30-years-ago.

It’s possible that within the next 10 years International Women’s Day will no longer exist. That would be sad, but a reflection of a culture where sexual differences are devalued to the point that having a separate day for women no longer makes sense as “women” no longer exist.

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