Investigators Find 50 More Preborn Remains in the Trunk of a Car Owned by Former Abortionist

Baby remains found in the trunk of abortionist's car

The investigation into the horrors left behind by Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, who died of natural causes in September, continues. 

Authorities have announced that they have discovered 50 more remains in the trunk of a Mercedes Benz, one of eight that Klopfer allegedly kept in a storage facility. Deputy Chief Dan Jungles of the Will County Sheriff’s office stated that the cardboard boxes, where the remains were kept, were “disintegrating.” 

If Jungles is right, the final number of remains kept as seemingly some sort of sick trophy is now around 3,000.

This latest development again raises the question of how this could happen, but that’s been covered in a couple of earlier articles, which you can find here and here. But now the question becomes, how much money was this doctor making off of these abortions?

Eight Mercedes Benz in storage seems a little excessive for any doctor not working in Beverly Hills.

If the condition of the remains is as bad as authorities say, then it is likely that the remains could have been left in the car for a significant period of time. That means that a luxury vehicle was used as a tomb for the remains of these precious preborn babies. It is now clear that Klopfer was making some serious cash from his abortion business.

That’s not surprising, abortion is an incredibly lucrative business and that’s why often unscrupulous characters enter the industry. However, it’s also evident that this profiteering off abortion needs to stop.

Two abortionists, Klopfer and Dr. Kermit Gosnell, both became incredibly wealthy while they routinely performed abortions with little to no patient care. When police raided Gosnell’s home investigating him over the deaths of a patients and babies at his clinic, they found $240,000 in the bedroom of his 12-year-old daughter. Gosnell also had a lake house worth around half a million. Klopfer is now revealed to have had eight Mercedes Benz vehicles just wasting away in a storage unit. The fact that authorities are still shifting through his properties means that there could be more sickening revelations to come, and the country needs to take action.

Perhaps a possible solution is to cap the cost of abortion at a certain amount. This would minimize the amount of money these men, and others, can make off women in vulnerable situations, and hopefully contribute to the decline in the number of physicians and clinics willing to perform abortions. It could maybe even put Planned Parenthood out of business. The decision of Planned Parenthood to open up new mega clinics is likely a way to monopolize the abortion industry and put smaller clinics out of business. A federal mandate that minimizes the money an abortion business can charge would perhaps make these new clinics obsolete.

It may not be a perfect solution, but action must be taken. That there are two doctors who have essentially acted like legalized serial killers is just two too many. A way to eliminate some of these more despicable characters is to minimize their revenue and make abortion unsustainable as a business. The taking of a life through abortion should not be done for profit.

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