New Annual Report Shows that Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Care About Women’s Health

Planned Parenthood Annual Report

Earlier this week, Planned Parenthood released its latest annual report. It’s a rare inside look at one of the nation’s largest and most profitable abortion businesses. This year’s report demonstrates an important continuous trend – Planned Parenthood doesn’t care about women or their health. 

When it comes to defending Planned Parenthood, the abortion business likes to put a positive spin on their work. The company argues that it provides women with essentially healthcare services like cancer screenings, contraception and, on the rare instance, abortion.

But the number of women who receive those services from Planned Parenthood every year has decreased dramatically. The company’s own reports demonstrate this.

Cancer screenings is one of the services that the abortion business’ uses to justify its existence. The editor and chief of Rewire, a pro-abortion/Planned Parenthood news site, noted, “Mammograms are only one part of comprehensive breast health strategies that begin with breast health education and self-awareness, collection of personal medical histories and risk factors, and conducting clinical breast exams.” (Planned Parenthood doesn’t provide mammograms.) 

That may all sound well and good, but the problem is that Planned Parenthood has seen a 76% decrease in the amount of breast exams its doctors have completed since the procedure was first introduced in 1998. In that year, the abortion business gave more than 1.1 million women a clinical breast examination, but by 2018 that number has dropped to 265,028.

In addition to the declining number of breast screenings, there has also been a staggering 85% decrease in the number of pap smears, which is an exam that every woman should undergo every three years. For Planned Parenthood to see the number of pap smears go from a high of 1.7 million in 1992 to 255,682 should disturb any of its donors and U.S. taxpayers.

Contraception services, one of Planned Parenthood’s staples, has also taken a hit. When Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act, went into effect in 2009, Planned Parenthood received an influx of patients. But that bump didn’t last long, especially when it comes to contraception. Overall, that service is down 36% since 2009, reversible contraception is down 21% and emergency contraception has decreased by 61%.

Some of this is attributable to the fact that Plan B, or the morning after pill, is now available over the counter. Still, for a business that says it focuses on reproductive health, the decrease should be concerning. Although the business did report, for the first time, that it supposedly prevented 393,000 unintended pregnancies.

But Planned Parenthood doesn’t really care about cancer screening, contraception or the health and welfare of its clients. The only features of the business that have seen a notable increase in the last 20-25 years are sexually transmitted infections/diseases (STI/D) testing and services and, of course, abortion.

According the annual reports, STI/D testing and services have increased by 271% since 1991. What’s perhaps most concerning is that HIV testing has increased by 744% in the same time period. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) most recent HIV report says that the numbers of HIV infections have stabilized, but that actually isn’t a good thing for healthcare professionals. Every year, the numbers should go down as more awareness is raised, but that isn’t what’s happening. As the CDC reports, “the decline in HIV infections has plateaued because effective HIV prevention and treatment are not adequately reaching those who could most benefit from them.” 

Across the country, Planned Parenthood provides sex education to schools and groups, but is it working? A former Title X worker who was trained by Planned Parenthood to provide sexual education courses reported that, “Sexual intimacy is redefined from being special, for marriage or for having babies, to being crass, seeking pleasure over meaningful relationships, accepting STDs as a way of life, and terminating the lives of babies so we can worship our sexual rights without hinderance.” The STD rates throughout the country, which are currently at record highs, reflects Planned Parenthood’s failed educational premise but good business practice (i.e. more sexually active young people = more STD/I testing = more money). 

Abortion is the only other area that has experienced significant growth. Since 1991, the number of abortions has jumped from 132,314 to 345,672, that’s a 161% increase. Planned Parenthood now accounts for about 44% of the abortions completed in the United States. For a business that claims to care about health, that number is rather staggering. 

Regardless of what pro-abortion activists claim, abortion is always a risky procedure. It isn’t “healthcare” by any means. Women can have complications ranging from incomplete abortion to infection and potentially even death. And, of course, it’s certainly not healthcare for the preborn child.

Planned Parenthood also consistently reports that abortion is only 3-4% of all the services they offer, to make it sound like it’s only a small portion of what they do. But with a 161% increase in the number of abortions performed and a 20% decrease in clients and 13% decrease in services, that statistic seems implausible. The only way the abortion business gets to that number is dividing the number of abortions by the number of services. However, if you divide the number of abortions by the number of clients (2.4 million) the result is 14%, which is likely a much more accurate reflection of how much abortion comprises Planned Parenthood’s services.

Planned Parenthood only cares about two things: abortion and money. It seems incomprehensible that the abortion business received a record $616 million in federal funding last year, a 325% increase from 1992, for providing considerably fewer health services than before. This annual report is another wake up call for politicians and the public to pay attention and defund Planned Parenthood.

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