Pro-Life Groups Fight Vermont Abortion Constitutional Amendment – Here’s How You Can Help

Girls and women aborting their babies – up until the moment of birth. Three-parent embryo creation. Surrogacy trafficking. Minors obtaining “transgender” drugs, hormones and surgeries – without parental consent.

Voters in Vermont could enshrine all of these into their state constitution through an amendment that protects “an individual’s right to personal reproductive autonomy.”

If the measure passes, the state would be the first in the nation to have abortion rights written into its constitution.

An underfunded – but determined – coalition of pro-life groups is pushing back, saying that in addition to destroying preborn babies, the amendment will also harm families, children and parental rights.

Proposal 5, to be voted on this November, would add Article 22 to the Vermont Constitution. It says:

That an individual’s right to personal reproductive autonomy is central to the liberty and dignity to determine one’s own life course and shall not be denied or infringed unless justified by a compelling State interest achieved by the least restrictive means.

The notoriously liberal Vermont legislature voted to place Proposal 5/Article 22 on the ballot, by a vote of 28 to 2 in the Senate and 106 to 38 in the House.

The Daily Citizen contacted Carol Kauffman, a representative for Vermont Family Alliance, one organization fighting the ballot measure.

She told us that Vermont already has state laws protecting abortion – regardless of age or marital status. Abortionists don’t even need to notify parents or guardians prior to their child obtaining an abortion.

Kauffman told us:

The recent overturning of Roe vs Wade will not change this government’s overreach into the family. Vermont has allowed unknown surrogate parents to navigate abortions for minors without parental knowledge since 1972, one year prior to Roe vs Wade. Fifty years of ‘minor consent’ without parent involvement.

Kauffman and Vermont Family Alliance also explain that the proposed amendment is vague, not even defining “personal reproductive autonomy.” In addition to obtaining abortions, minors would have access to contraception, hormone blockers, opposite sex hormones and “transgender” surgeries, without parental knowledge or consent.

An adolescent girl could have her breasts removed, a teen boy could be chemically or physically castrated, and a teen girl could have a hysterectomy – with no parental involvement.

In an opinion piece published by the VTDigger, Kauffman asked, “Why do parents have no voice in these crucial policies?”

She pointed to Vermont laws that already undermine parental rights. The state’s Agency of Education (AOE), for example “requires that schools provide free condoms to students in seventh through 12th grade.”

The AOE also released a teacher’s guide for teaching about homosexuality and transgenderism in sexual education, “Full Spectrum: Educators’ Guide to Implementing LGBTQ+ Inclusive Sex Ed.”

The guide recommends using “language that is gender neutral”; including “equal queer and trans representation”; and using phrases like “people with uteruses,” instead of “girls” or “females.”

She said, “Parents had no input,” in any of these policies and lessons that affect their children. Now, pro-abortion activists want to take this further, writing the usurpation of parents’ rights into the state’s constitution.

Other groups fighting Proposal 5/Article 22 include Vermont Right to Life Committee and Vermonters for Good Government.

Vermont Right to Life called the proposal inhumane, dangerous and exploitive. The group says:

The following scientific practices would have constitutional protection: human cloning, 3-parent embryo creation, gestational surrogacy trafficking, trafficking in human embryo creation, designer babies and womb transplants – and much more.

The organization says:

Proposal 5 would effectively shield abortion businesses from state oversight or regulation. Planned Parenthood of Vermont is the largest provider of abortions in our state (annually they perform approximately 1,100 abortions in their VT clinics). Other abortionists could also freely commit abortions throughout pregnancy without regulation, oversight or accountability, leading to harm for young girls and women.

Unsurprisingly, Planned Parenthood Action Fund and Planned Parenthood Vermont Action Fund have spent large sums promoting the amendment, $50,000 and $20,842 respectively. Other large donors include the American Civil Liberties Union and the Sixteen Thirty Fund.

Vermont Right to Life has spent $779, so far, opposing the ballot measure.

Kauffman told us, “Parents are being kicked out of the village regarding their children’s reproductive values and experiences and questions need to be answered. Article 22 will continue to erode the rights of parents and remove protections for children. Article 22 will provide protection and continue to allow unknown adults to usurp the role of parents and put our children in harm’s way.

We asked her, “How can people help if they want to fight the constitutional amendment?

She replied, “Pray for us! Offer us ideas. Join our pro-family email community for info, opportunities to help, and events – [email protected]. We do not fundraise, but Vermonters for Good Government is looking for 1,000 Americans to donate 100 dollars each to raise one million.”

Supporters of life and parents’ rights can find more information at Vermont Family Alliance.

Related articles and resources to take action:

Carol Kauffman: Why do parents have no voice in these crucial policies?

Vermont Family Alliance.

Vermonters For Good Government

Vermont Right to Life Committee

Daily Citizen:


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