Rising Hope for a Pro-life America at the March for Life

Thousands of pro-life Americans gathered in Washington D.C. today to rally together and march to promote a national culture that affirms the dignity of every human life.

Excitement was in the air as speakers and attendees alike shared their optimism about Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court case that legalized abortion across America, potentially being overturned by the Supreme Court this term.

U.S. Representative Chris Smith (NJ-04) said, “We meet this year with fresh hope and heightened expectation…that the Supreme Court may soon take a powerful step towards inclusion, justice, and respect for the weakest and most vulnerable. We are here to say that equality begins in the womb and the injustice of abortion need not be forever.”

He continued, “Today after decades of noble struggle and sacrifice we are hopeful that government-sanctioned violence against children and the exploitation of women by abortion is nearing an end.”

There was also a collective call to action. If Roe is overturned, abortion law will be determined at the state level. That means the fight to end abortion is not over. There will be political and legal battles over state laws for certain, but the most important battle remains—to make abortion unthinkable.

The real goal—and the only way we can restore a culture of life in America—is to change peoples’ hearts and minds on abortion.

Jeanne Mancini, President of March for Life, encouraged the crowd that the best way to change hearts and minds is to share their story and tell others why they are pro-life.

Lisa Robertson, from Duck Dynasty, told the audience that when she was 16 she was unwed, vulnerable, and desperate to believe the lies of the abortion industry to end the life of her child. And regrettably she did.

She said, “God rescued me, He forgave me, He redeemed me, and He also gave me a voice to speak out for the unborn.”

She challenged the crowd to be engaged and love others well, “As the body of Christ we need to be pro-love and pro-life in a pro-hate, pro-choice world. We can’t sit back any longer and allow our future generations to be aborted…There is a mission field out there, right outside your own front door. It’s in your family, it’s in your church, in your community and in your youth groups.”

Kirk Cameron, actor and producer, reminded the crowd that our hope is based in God’s power at work in His people, “The Bible, the book that built America, says that those who hate God love death. But we are the family of faith. We love God, therefore we love life…Our hope is in the power of God working in the hearts of His people.”

The theme of this year’s march was “Equality Begins in the Womb.”

Katie Shaw, a young woman with Down syndrome, spoke on the importance of equality for the preborn with disabilities from the main stage of the March for Life. She said, “Equality begins at the moment of conception. I am proud to be here today to march and show the world that people with disabilities need a chance to live their lives outside the womb.”

Rosemarie Scoggin, a student from Colorado Christian University who was born at 24 weeks gestation and placed for adoption by her birthmother shared, “I am here at the March for Life to stand for those who cannot speak for themselves. As someone who was born at 24 weeks to a college student and as a female, I am marching to be a living example of the truth that women’s rights begin in the womb.”

On the topic of being engaged in the pro-life movement and teaching the next generation to be engaged, Alveda Celeste King, niece of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., shared with Focus on the Family, “Every human being has a voice. We can all speak up for life…. As parents, and grandparents and even great grandparents let’s talk to our children about God [and] about the sanctity of human life from the womb to the tomb. And as we do that, they will embrace that same truth in every decade and every generation.”

Abby Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood clinic director now pro-life activist, told Focus on the Family that we need to teach our kids to be bold, “Teach your kids to stand up to injustice when they see it. That’s in all aspects of their life. When they see bullying stand up to that injustice. If they see abuse stand up to that injustice—and abortion is abuse.”

Jim Daly, President and CEO of Focus on the Family, said he is optimistic about the future of the pro-life movement. He cited the recent Knights of Columbus poll which shows that 71% of Americans support limits on abortion. The poll also found that “81% of Americans believe laws can protect both the mother and her unborn child.”

Yes, indeed, the pro-life future is bright. The March for Life reminds us that collectively we have power to change the moral direction of this country. It’s up to each of us to faithfully do our part to promote a culture of life.

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