There Are No True Divisions Within the Pro-Life Movement
On the eve of the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., and the 50th anniversary of the dreadful upholding of Roe, the radically pro-abortion New York Times is out with an extensive article heralding so-called splits and divisions within the pro-life faithful.
Don’t buy it. Don’t believe it.
To bolster their claim, the Old Grey Lady’s Ruth Graham chronicles ongoing conversations in our movement about strategy and focus, and even questions on whether to keep marching each January.
“The divergent agendas coincide with an already precarious time for the movement that was once unified around ending Roe,” writes Graham.
Nearly seven months after the reversal of Roe, and a Supreme Court majority upholding the constitutional right to ban abortion on a state level, it’s not clear why pro-life champions are somehow in a dangerous or unsafe position.
In fact, thanks to Dobbs, pre-born children in certain states have never been safer.
In reality, radical pro-abortion forces would seem to be projecting their own feelings of uncertainty. Their half-century so-called “right” to kill innocent life has been curtailed – and they’re incensed and indignant about it. In recent months, the Left has been calling pro-lifers “extreme” for simply wanting to ban infanticide. That’s how wickedly deluded and angry abortion zealots are these days.
Unlike the pro-abortion crowd that marches in lockstep and won’t tolerate any restriction on the ghoulish act of terminating innocent life, the pro-life movement is a broad coalition of independent thinkers, intellectual heavyweights, blue- and white-collar supporters and religious and non-religious individuals and groups. When it comes to plotting, planning, and moving forward on the best way to protect and preserve innocent life, there are lots of competing ideas and strategies being discussed.
This isn’t a problem. It’s an opportunity – and it’s actually very healthy.
To be sure, there is no biblical text nor secular authoritative source for us to cite regarding how to specifically engage the issue legislatively on the federal and state levels. Passionate people are meeting with other passionate people and debating what makes the most sense and when.
To the great disappointment of The New York Times, I’m sure, the pro-life movement is as “united” as ever before when it comes to our convictions about pre-born life.
We’re united in our belief that all innocent life is sacred and worthy of constitutional protection.
We’re united in our opposition to the unfettered killing of children inside and outside the womb.
We’re united in our love and respect of mothers, and our desire to help them both during and after their pregnancy.
This unity will be on full display in Washington, D.C., tomorrow as hundreds of thousands of women, men and children march arm-in-arm once more. As March for Life president Jeanne Mancini told those gathered at our See Life event this past June, harkening back to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill famous words. The fall of Roe wasn’t the end. It wasn’t even the beginning of the end – but it was the end of the beginning.
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Paul J. Batura is a writer and vice president of communications for Focus on the Family. He’s authored numerous books including “Chosen for Greatness: How Adoption Changes the World,” “Good Day! The Paul Harvey Story” and “Mentored by the King: Arnold Palmer's Success Lessons for Golf, Business, and Life.” Paul can be reached via email: [email protected] or Twitter @PaulBatura
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