Benjamin and Kirsten Watson Release New Film About Abortion’s Impact on African Americans

Benjamin Watson

On September 17, Benjamin Watson, retired football star, will release a film for a limited time that he produced with his wife Kirsten about the impact that abortion has had on America and, more specifically, the African American community.

A summary attached to the trailer states, “Abortion in America has been a hot topic issue for decades. If you’ve ever wrestled with the abortion debate, Divided Hearts of America is a must-see. With more than 30 insightful interviews, this documentary seeks to bring humanity and understanding to both sides of the story.”

The trailer of the documentary demonstrates that one of the key issues in the abortion debate is the question over when is a person a person. It also highlights how the abortion industry has specifically targeted the African American community. One of the interviewees says, “Abortion is targeting black America. That’s not an accident, that’s genocide.”

“In an era where civil discourse is on the verge of extinction, we set out to engage people on both sides of this important issue,” Benjamin and Kirsten Watson said. “Though our commitment to serve and protect mothers and their preborn children is no secret, this is a documentary, not propaganda. Our hope is that people will watch this film and think about abortion in a whole new way, based on facts, not partisanship.”

A promotional email about the film explains, “The Watsons were inspired to create this movie after witnessing states like New York and Virginia expand abortion access, while states like Georgia and Alabama have restricted its availability. Given Americans’ deep divide on the issue, the Watsons set out to tell each side’s story through interviews with more than 30 leaders with differing views on abortion. Those interviewed include Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Dr. Ben Carson, and U.S. Senator Tim Scott, as well as New York State Senators Liz Krueger and Gustavo Rivera.”

The pro-life movement was shocked when New York passed legislation in January 2019 that would allow abortion up until the moment of birth if a physician determines that a woman’s health is at risk, which can be broadly interpreted as physical, medical, emotional or financial health. Then, just a week later, Virginia’s Governor Ralph Northam advocated for infanticide during a radio interview. For many, these events inspired pro-life Americans, like the Watsons, to do more to advocate for life.

When the film project was first announced in January, Watson shared with The Hollywood Reporter, “Things are at a fever pitch. My goal is to unveil the truth about abortion, the laws, the history and where our country is headed. I believe in the sanctity of life, be it in the womb or on your deathbed. That’s my conviction. But with the film, I’ll engage those who disagree and hear their reasoning. The No. 1 thing I’m looking for is empathy on both sides.”

In an interview with Fox and Friends, Watson said, “This is about human dignity, it’s about sanctity of life, it’s about empathy. It’s about understanding that even though we may disagree on something that is so important and so vital as human life, we need to see the humanity in the other person.”

On September 26 at 8 p.m. EST, Benjamin Watson, along with Jeanne Mancini, will host See Life Clearly, a pro-life event created by Focus on the Family. The event will include a variety of interviews with passionate and influential pro-life leaders, musical numbers and a 4D ultrasound.

The Watsons’ film will stream on the media platform SalemNOW for eight weeks.

Photo from YouTube


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