It was Thomas Jefferson who once observed, “God is just” and “His justice cannot sleep forever.”
After nearly a half-century and over 60 million deaths, the horrifying and tragic ruling of Roe has finally been overturned. It was bad law then – and a majority of the Supreme Court has affirmed it is bad law now. No court has the right to deprive a child of the right to live. We celebrate this milestone today and applaud the six justices who have courageously and correctly interpreted the United States Constitution.
This is a day to give thanks to God. It’s also a day to give thanks to the tens of millions who have marched in the snow and cold on the anniversary of Roe these last fifty years as faithful witnesses to the value of human life. It’s a day, as well, to give thanks to those who have committed their lives and their resources to serving mothers and protecting innocent children.
We remain dedicated to fostering and furthering a culture of life, which recognizes the dignity of each and every person. This should not be a political cause of only a few – but the cause of all who care about and support the preservation and protection of human rights.