No Madame Vice President, Preborn Children Being Aborted is the Real Issue

Vice President Harris

If you listen to pro-abortion activists, you’ll quickly learn that they have a tragically distorted view of preborn life in the womb.

A recent case in point: Vice President Kamala Harris.

In an interview discussing the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Vice President Harris casually discussed pregnancy as if she was discussing some type of cancer.

“Listen, women are getting pregnant every day in America, and this is a real issue,” the vice president said.

“And we need to act with a sense of haste … and codifying Roe will be an important moment in terms of putting back in place protections for folks who are at risk.”

A real issue?

Folks who are at risk?

Since when did we begin discussing pregnancy as if it were a kind of disease?

You can tell her statement is problematic because if you remove the word “pregnant” from her sentence, and replace it with the word “cancer,” the sentence still makes sense.

Here’s the sentence with this change: “Listen, women are getting cancer every day in America, and this is a real issue.”

But pregnancy is no disease. It is the natural outcome of human sexual activity, and the result of the female human body acting with the male body as it was designed to.

Additionally, pro-abortion activists frequently refer to the preborn child in the womb as a “parasite.” I’ve heard this one myself.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Whereas a parasite lives in or off of another organism at its expense, we now know that fetal cells from a preborn baby may help protect the child’s mother, even long after birth.

Dr. J. Lee Nelson told NPR, “It’s actually a beautiful cooperation.”

Once again, the science is catching up to biblical truth.

“Children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth” (Psalm 127:3-4).

The Left is extremely good at manipulating and controlling language and using the spoken word to warp reality.

We shouldn’t let them get away with it.

To connect with a local pregnancy resource center that can discuss all of your pregnancy options with you, click here.

Additionally, if you’re struggling and need a listening ear, Focus on the Family offers a free, one-time counseling consultation with a licensed or pastoral counselor. To request a counseling consultation, call 1-855-771-HELP (4357) or fill out our Counseling Consultation Request Form.

Related articles and resources:

Alternatives to Abortion: Pregnancy Resource Centers

Finding Hope in an Unexpected Pregnancy

Photo from Shutterstock.

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