Pro-Life Coffee Company Donates to Pregnancy Resource Centers

His name is Anton Krecic, and one of his goals in life is to help lead a pro-life coffee movement – one sip at a time.

Yes, you read that correctly – a pro-life coffee movement.

Founder and owner of “Seven Weeks Coffee” – aptly named because a baby at seven weeks gestation is roughly the size of a coffee bean, Krecic says the company’s mission is “to promote Godly values, provide excellent coffee, and protect every beating heart.”

How does he plan to ensure the latter?

Anton and his team are donating ten percent of every sale to pregnancy resource centers – the same facilities domestic terrorists/abortion activists have been firebombing and Senator Elizabeth Warren has been calling to eliminate.

Krecic calls pregnancy resource centers the “hands and feet of the pro-life movement” – and he’s right.

“I believe life is the greatest gift God has given us,” Krecic recently said. “He has a plan and purpose for each of us, and He loves every life no matter how small. If I can help protect even one life, I know I’m serving a greater purpose.”

In just over eight months of operation, Seven Weeks Coffee, which is based in a Washington D.C. suburb, has donated over $15,000. Committed to full transparency, you can click here to see how the financials break down and see the actual centers they’ve already contributed to so far.

Enjoy coffee and feel led to support this worthy endeavor? Click here.

Given the widespread wokeness and radical pro-abortion policies seemingly everywhere in corporate America, it’s refreshing and encouraging to see an inspiring upstart like Seven Weeks Coffee boldly proclaim and celebrate the sacredness of life.

“It’s really hard to buy products from companies that align with our values,” Krecic said. “One of the things I like to say is we’re not asking for a donation. We’re saying, if you drink coffee, but would consider drinking it through us, we’re going to have a really big impact in defending life and protecting the unborn.”

The comedian Jerry Seinfeld once quipped, “We want to do a lot of stuff; we’re not in great shape. We didn’t get a good night’s sleep. We’re a little depressed. Coffee solves all these problems in one delightful little cup.”

A delightful little cup of Seven Weeks coffee strives to help solve one more problem – how to combat big business spending your coffee money to destroy rather than champion innocent life.

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