Category: Government Updates
ABA Engages in Character Assassination of 9th Circuit Nominee Lawrence VanDyke
The American Bar Association has proven once again that it is biased against conservative judicial nominees. The liberal-leaning bar association, founded in 1878, voluntarily assesses...
Read MoreBlaine Adamson Scores Big Win for Religious Liberty and Free Speech at the Kentucky Supreme Court
Back in 2012, the Gay and Lesbian Services Organization (GLSO) called the promotional printing company, Hands On Originals, asking to purchase printed shirts promoting a...
Read MoreJudge Changes Mind, Reinstates Covington High School Teen’s Suit Against The Washington Post
A young Kentucky teen will get a second chance to prove that The Washington Post defamed him over an incident at the Lincoln Memorial in...
Read MoreCongresswoman Katie Hill Resigns While Under Ethics Investigations, Blames Rightwing Media
Katie Hill (D-CA) resigned Sunday October 27 without finishing her first term as a congresswoman due to an ethics investigation over her alleged affair with...
Read MoreThree Courts Rule on Abortion This Week
Courts in California, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania have all issued decisions this week in cases involving abortion. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the...
Read MoreNorthern Ireland is Now Required to Legalize Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage after Government Stalemate
The relationship between Northern Ireland and England is complex. Technically part of the United Kingdom, this small northern corner of the island of Ireland has...
Read MoreOverriding Obergefell: Tennessee Group Launches Plan to Restore Marriage to the States
Written with Bruce Hausknecht; Judicial Analyst for The Daily Citizen. It’s been four years since the Supreme Court mandated that states grant marriage licenses to...
Read MoreA Win for Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselors in Pittsburgh
Pro-life sidewalk counselors in Pittsburgh scored a major victory in their challenge to a city ordinance barring them from talking to women entering abortion clinics....
Read MoreTerm Limits for Justices; Will it Fix Anything?
Conservatives distrust the liberal justices on the U.S. Supreme Court. Liberals distrust the conservative justices. Conservatives see the court as wielding too much influence over...
Read MoreSeparation of Powers at the Supreme Court – What the Justices’ Questions Revealed.
Yesterday we highlighted the point that the three sex discrimination cases being heard at the Supreme Court were not about “LGBT rights,” but about the...
Read MoreSex Discrimination Cases at Supreme Court are All About Separation of Powers, Not Anyone’s “Rights”
Today the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in three cases involving employees who sued their employers for allegedly discriminating against them on the basis of...
Read MoreAre Supreme Court Justices Just Politicians in Robes? Justice Gorsuch Responds.
As the new term of the Supreme Court begins on October 7, we can already look ahead to an eventful nine months that will involve...
Read MoreSupreme Court Takes Up Louisiana Abortion Law; What’s at Stake?
The Supreme Court has announced it will hear an appeal involving a Louisiana statute that requires abortionists to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital....
Read MoreDemocrats Crank Up Impeachment Probe: What You Need to Know
This week, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced that the House of Representatives would being a formal impeachment inquiry of President Trump. Congressional Democrats...
Read MoreRedefining ‘Sex’ is Not the Work of Courts or Federal Agencies
When the United States Supreme Court returns from its summer recess in October, a major case with potential religious liberty undertones will be among the first items on...
Read MoreThe Surgeon General Announces New Advisory on the Dangers of Marijuana for Pregnant Women and Adolescents
Today, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Surgeon General and a team of medical experts issued a strong warning to...
Read MoreRep. Sean Duffy announces resignation, citing child’s heart condition
Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) announced his resignation from Congress yesterday, citing a need to focus on his growing family. Duffy recently received news that his...
Read MoreFederal Appeals Court Decision from Colorado May Impact Presidential Elections
A decision out of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals this week has everyone reaching for their copies of the U.S. Constitution to re-read...
Read MoreLiberal Senators to Supreme Court: Rule Our Way or We’ll Pack the Court
Politicians who don’t like particular Supreme Court decisions are entitled to criticize those decisions. Or criticize the justices who wrote the decisions. In fact, Americans...
Read MoreColorado Voters Attempt to Stop the National Popular Vote
Earlier this year, The Daily Citizen informed you about Colorado’s attempt to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC). That attempt succeeded in March...
Read MoreFederal Judges Confirmed at Record Pace
The U.S. Senate recessed on Friday for its annual August time away from Washington, D.C. During the week before the break, senators confirmed 13 federal...
Read MoreCalifornia’s Demand for Donor Lists Heads to Supreme Court
California says it wants to avoid charitable fraud. It wants to know who the largest donors to nonprofit organizations in California are. Conservative nonprofit organizations...
Read MoreElections Have Consequences: Ninth Circuit Becoming More Conservative
For years, if not decades, conservatives have bemoaned the decisions coming from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. The Court has been...
Read MoreIs Obamacare Unconstitutional? 5th Circuit Hears Arguments
In what could be considered a very technical “in the weeds” constitutional case, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals this week heard oral arguments on...
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