President Trump Signs Order Protecting Children From Transgender Medical Interventions

President Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order protecting children from harmful and damaging transgender medical interventions.

The order, Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation, takes decisive and expansive action to protect children.

“Across the country today, medical professionals are maiming and sterilizing a growing number of impressionable children under the radical and false claim that adults can change a child’s sex through a series of irreversible medical interventions,” the order states. “This dangerous trend will be a stain on our Nation’s history, and it must end.”

“Countless children soon regret that they have been mutilated and begin to grasp the horrifying tragedy that they will never be able to conceive children of their own or nurture their children through breastfeeding. Moreover, these vulnerable youths’ medical bills may rise throughout their lifetimes, as they are often trapped with lifelong medical complications, a losing war with their own bodies, and, tragically, sterilization.”

Therefore, the order states:

Accordingly, it is the policy of the United States that it will not fund, sponsor, promote, assist, or support the so-called “transition” of a child from one sex to another, and it will rigorously enforce all laws that prohibit or limit these destructive and life-altering procedures.


The order calls out the “blatant harm done to children by chemical and surgical mutilation” which “cloaks itself in medical necessity, spurred by guidance from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which lacks scientific integrity.”

WPATH is a pseudo-scientific organization that regularly publishes so-called Standards of Care for transgender-identified individuals; you can read more about why WPATH’s advice is faulty, agenda-driven and not scientific.

Accordingly, the order directs federal agencies to review and rescind all policies that rely on WPATH’s guidance. It also directs the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to “publish a review of the existing literature on best practices for promoting the health of children who assert gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion.”

Defunding Chemical and Surgical Mutilation

Furthermore, the section of the order titled “Defunding Chemical and Surgical Mutilation” cracks down on institutions that receive federal funds and provide transgender medical interventions.

The order directs the head of every executive department and agency “that provides research or education grants to medical institutions, including medical schools and hospitals” to “immediately take appropriate steps to ensure that institutions receiving Federal research or education grants end the chemical and surgical mutilation of children.”

It also directs the HHS secretary to “take all appropriate actions to end the chemical and surgical mutilation of children,” and lays out several options for the secretary to do so.


Tricare is an insurance program for active-duty service members and their family members, National Guard and Reserve members and their family members, and retirees and retiree family members, among others. It provides insurance coverage to over 2 million people.

The order directs the secretary of defense to issue a rule “to exclude chemical and surgical mutilation of children from TRICARE coverage and amend the TRICARE provider handbook to exclude chemical and surgical mutilation of children.”

Requirements for Insurance Carriers

The Federal Employees Health Benefits Program provides insurance coverage to federal civilian employees.

The order directs the director of the Office of Personnel Management to “include provisions in the Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) and Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) programs call letter for the 2026 Plan Year specifying that eligible carriers, including the Foreign Service Benefit Plan, will exclude coverage for pediatric transgender surgeries or hormone treatments.”

Directions for the Attorney General

The executive order directs the attorney general of the United States, in consultation with Congress, to “work to draft, propose, and promote legislation to enact a private right of action for children and the parents of children whose healthy body parts have been damaged by medical professionals practicing chemical and surgical mutilation, which should include a lengthy statute of limitations.”

The order also directs the attorney general to:

  • prioritize investigations and take appropriate action to end deception of consumers, fraud, and violations of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act by any entity that may be misleading the public about long-term side effects of chemical and surgical mutilation;
  • prioritize investigations and take appropriate action to end child-abusive practices by so-called sanctuary States that facilitate stripping custody from parents who support the healthy development of their own children, including by considering the application of the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act and recognized constitutional rights.

On his first day in office, the president signed an executive order declaring that it is “the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male and female.” That order, and this order protecting children from body-mutilating and mind-damaging medical interventions, signal a necessary and important pushback against deceptive and harmful gender ideology.

As Christians, we must have compassion on children – and adults – struggling with gender dysphoria. But a part of true compassion is protecting those strugglers from harmful and damaging drugs, hormones and surgeries.

We thank President Trump for signing this deeply important order, and we celebrate the fact that many children will now be protected from these dangerous interventions.

To speak with a family help specialist or request resources, please call us at 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459).

Related articles and resources:

Transgender Resources

Understanding “Transgenderism”

Responding to a Transgender-Identified Family Member

The WPATH Files Exposes ‘Surgical and Hormonal Experiments on Children’

The WPATH Files – Transgender Interventions Are ‘Unethical Medical Experiments’

Key Takeaways from Supreme Court Case on ‘Transgender’ Interventions

Photo from Getty Images.

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