Is Another Trump Era a Threat to the Gospel?

First Things posted a very important piece last week raising the question of whether four more years of Donald Trump in the White House is harmful to the Gospel. It is an important question and the article is a must-read.
The author, James. R. Wood, is a professor of religion and theology at Redeemer University in Ontario.
So, has the work of the Gospel suffered under Trump?
Professor Wood says no.
He opens his piece claiming “American culture is undergoing a ‘vibe shift’” where we are seeing a new “resurgence of hope among conservatives that politics and culture will increasingly return to reality.” Indeed we are, as documented here.
The professor acknowledges the issues many Christians have had with the president over the years, but notes:
Wood is right.
The Gospel, and third Person of the Trinity who guides us into all truth, are far more powerful than any election cycle. They will not and cannot be thwarted by the movements of man. They move of their own accord, like a freight train, barreling through human history.
He who fell upon the world at Pentecost is still at work. He has not grown feeble, out of touch, or behind the times. He is the Holy Spirit. He does not need our marketing brilliance. Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord or Lords, does not need better PR.
Wood continues,
He goes onto highlight a remarkable turn of events that illustrates this fact.
On January 7, mega-ton gorilla of podcasters Joe Rogan sat down for three and a quarter hours to ask 33 year-old Canadian Christian apologist and Ph.D. student Wesley Huff penetrating questions about the reliability of Scripture, the historicity of Jesus’s resurrection from the dead and the logical coherence of the Christian faith.
Huff was persuasively masterful in explaining the historic truths of Christianity to Joe Rogan and his roughly 50 million followers. The episode went wildly viral with 5.8 million views on YouTube to date, followed by some 40 thousand comments.
You can catch the entire episode on Spotify or on YouTube here:
You don’t get that much interest in a topic people are supposedly losing interest in because many Christians strongly supported another four years of President Trump in the White House. You just don’t.
Professor Wood explains,
He adds, “And Rogan ate it up. Many have already speculated that this will be the most heard presentation of the gospel in world history.”
Wood ties it all together for our present day and political atmosphere.
Professor Wood concludes “it is clear that things are not necessarily panning out according to the never-Trump jeremiads. Evangelistic opportunities were not sacrificed on the altar of political agendas.”
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is thriving in unexpected, miraculous and life-giving ways. After all, that is its very nature. Nothing we can do will ever change that.
Related articles and resources:
The Church’s Lane is the Whole Cosmos
The Cultural Paradox of Following Jesus Christ
Why Believe in Christianity? Because it is True.
How Big is Your View of the Gospel?
Dear Christian, Have Hope in Jesus Christ Amid Our Cultural Chaos
Appreciating the Full Scope of the Lordship of Christ – and the Gospel Itself
Christianity is Both a Religion and a Relationship
Image from Getty.
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Glenn is the director of Global Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family and debates and lectures extensively on the issues of gender, sexuality, marriage and parenting at universities and churches around the world. His latest books are "The Myth of the Dying Church" and “Loving My (LGBT) Neighbor: Being Friends in Grace and Truth." He is also a senior contributor for The Federalist.
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