Planned Parenthood Official Wants to Eliminate Option for Future Presidents to Stop Funding Abortion Business

Planned Parenthood

As part of several recent executive orders, President Joe Biden rescinded the Mexico City Policy, which prevented U.S. taxpayer dollars from funding abortions abroad, and is also looking to reestablish Planned Parenthood’s Title X funding. Now, abortion activists want to make a more permanent solution.

As part of his presidency, Donald Trump prevented Planned Parenthood from receiving Title X funding, which provides grants to cover family planning services. President Biden is looking to change that as part of his slew of executive orders.

The nation’s newest president also rescinded the Mexico City Policy. The decision wasn’t surprising, as every change in party leadership at the executive level results in officials either rescinding or enacting it. This flip-flopping in policy every four to eight years shows how abortion is still a divisive issue and, as a matter of policy, remains undecided.

But abortion activists want to change that.

Mara Posada, Director of Public Affairs for Planned Parenthood South Texas, has stated her desire that the abortion businesses be protected against conservative presidents in the future.

“The global gag rule that he repealed and that does take effect immediately but the federal U.S gag rule that is going to take longer to undo, unfortunately,” Posada said. “Until we have a permanent solution in Congress it will just be going back and forth so we do need a permanent solution that is for reproductive rights.”

What she means is that taxpayers should permanently be on the hook for paying for Planned Parenthood’s subpar medical services and potentially abortions as well, despite the pro-life beliefs of millions of Americans.

“Many resources that should be made available to patients for birth control, cancer screenings, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, all of these are resources that are available under Title X and we would love to once again participate,” Posada said.

But what does Planned Parenthood really do with the Title X funding? Not much.

Though Title X funding to Planned Parenthood could run as high as $60 million, it wasn’t what most clinics relied on to continue operations. In fact, Abby Johnson, who worked at Planned Parenthood for about eight years, explained that defunding Title X from the abortion business wouldn’t make much of a dent in the finances of her clinic, which performed abortions.

However, the abortion business is always willing to allow health care only clinics to close due to lack of Title X. In Ohio, two Planned Parenthood locations closed due, supposedly, to the Trump era policy. Apparently, the $500 million a year that the abortion business raises in private donations could not offset the loss of a paltry $60 million. The clinics also didn’t perform abortions, which made saving them and providing health care to the local community unnecessary.

Regardless of the financial aspects of Title X or the Mexico City Policy, Posada is right in the fact that the nation does need a more definitive policy on abortion and funding for places like Planned Parenthood.

This constant tug-of-war between pro-life and pro-abortion administrations is wearing thin, especially as Americans still remain divided and passionate on the issue of life and abortion. Pro-life Americans especially should have the assurance that the government is not using their money in order to kill babies inside the womb in this country and others as well.

Sadly, with the Democrats in power, the desire to codify Roe v. Wade and ensure government support of Planned Parenthood in perpetuity means that efforts will be made over the next several years to push the burden of abortion on taxpayers.

Photo from RozenskiP /

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